IFU KERATACx™ KERATACx™ IFU DIFFRACX™ DIFFRACx IFU MonofocalS HYDROPHILIC ACRYLIC IOL IOL IFU How can I remove the IOL from the vial ? Below are some methods of removing the IOL from the glass vials: https://imt-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/How-to-retrieve-IOL-from-the-glass-vial-a.mp4 Alternative Method:https://imt-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Alternate-Method-glass-vial-removal.mp4 keratacX KERATACx™ IFU DIFFRACx cTR IFU MonofocalS HYDROPHILIC ACRYLIC IOL pMMA IFU How can I remove the IOL from the vial ? Below are some methods of removing the IOL from the glass vials:https://imt-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/How-to-retrieve-IOL-from-the-glass-vial-a.mp4 Alternative Method:https://imt-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Alternate-Method-glass-vial-removal.mp4 Products PMMA IOL POSTERIOR CHAMBER PMMA IFU PMMA IOL ANTERIOR CHAMBER pMMA IFU CTR CAPSULAR TENSION RINGS CTR IFU Instruments Handheld Instruments Handheld Instruments IFU Delaminating System Delaminating System IFU DIAMONDKNIFE Diamond Knife IFU Accessories Sodium Hyaluronate Sodium Hyaluronate IFU Injecx Plus Fly & glide INJECx Plus Fly/ INJEx Plus Glide IFU