Life In Focus
Since 1998, IMT has been committed to giving people who are suffering with various blindness the chance to experience life in focus again. We believe it is achievable by furthering innovation in the field of ophthalmology and producing the highest quality products for doctors and their patients.
A Wide Range of
Ophthalmic Products

What Makes Our Products Different?
Our products are manufactured with optimal quality, designed specifically for doctors and their patients. While larger competitors lack in manufacturing consistency of quality per unit by outsourcing, IMT is able to closely control the quality with one dedicated facility. Below are some additional points as to why IMT is the best choice for your ophthalmic needs:
- Our lens polishing process is superior to competing companies
- We ensure optimal refractive results by providing surgical planning for all implant techniques
- We have more variations of IOLS and corneal rings than any other ophthalmic manufacturer
- We have a true progressive apodization technique used in our DIFFRACx™ Tri-focal IOLs
As an experienced Ophthalmic distributor with more than 25 years of experience in this field we have used and marketed many styles and several models of intra-ocular lenses. We have marketed and implanted hundreds of thousands of lenses manufactured by IMT since 1998 without any complications or adverse reactions of any kind.
In my opinion, the process used to develop, manufacture, distribute and evaluate the lenses is of the highest quality because I have had no complaints, no adverse reactions and no recalls with IMT's lenses. Our customers and patients are happy and I can assure them that with IMT lenses they will get the highest possible quality.
In my opinion, the process used to develop, manufacture, distribute and evaluate the lenses is of the highest quality because I have had no complaints, no adverse reactions and no recalls with IMT's lenses. Our customers and patients are happy and I can assure them that with IMT lenses they will get the highest possible quality.
Robby DamsteegCEO, Curamed Ophthalmics
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
As one of the leading surgeons in Italy I am always involved in numerous studies, investigations and new products including the ones from IMT. I am very pleased to let you know that your new multifocal lenses with the progressive optics are one of the best new inventions to hit the market in decades. I personally have implanted lenses from Alcon, AMO, B&L and Zeiss but they have not provided the visual acuity quality without halos, glare, and starbursts that the IMT lenses provide. I plan to continue to use IMT’s lenses and to assist in their new and innovative inventions which always seem to put the patient first.
Gianluca Rubiolini, MDDirector of the Ophthalmology Department and Consultant Surgeon
CJC Medical and all our customers are very happy with the Intra-Ocular Lenses and Intra-Corneal Segments KERATACx. We have used some many different types of lenses and manufactueres with bad experiences, results and adverse reactions. With IMT we have not had any bad feedbakcs, adverse reactions or complications at all. All the feedbacks and comments have been very good, positive results and great improvements in the patients. The quality of IMT’s products are excellent.
Claudia J. CabreraPresident, CJC Medical LLC